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The New Interiors Series
Judith Weinshall Liberman

The NEW INTERIORS series was created in the 1980s, although a precursor appeared as early as 1964, when I painted BEDROOM in gouache in response to an assignment given by my painting teacher at the Art Institute of Boston (then called "The School of Practical Art") to use Van Gogh colors in an interiors painting. The NEW INTERIORS series is related in subject matter to my MYSTIC INTERIORS series - which is one of my Major Series and is represented in the first binder of this set and was created in the 1960s. The treatment of interiors in that series seems vastly different from their treatment in the present one. In the MYSTIC INTERIORS series, I used chromatic contrasts and grayed backgrounds to express my thoughts and feelings about the mystery of life. In the NEW INTERIORS series, on the other hand, I used contrasts of bright hues. Despite these differences, and although some viewers of the NEW INTERIORS series have simply assumed that my intention was to use "pretty colors", most of the paintings in this series employ such jarring combination of colors that they were designed to suggest doom and gloom.

Judith Weinshall Liberman

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